So what was the outcome of sending that e-mail? If you haven’t guessed already, it led to an interview and me getting hired at a local company. Sending the first e-mail had me on pins and needles really because I wasn’t sure if my resume would be able to get me to an interview.
When I got the call to come in for an interview, I felt a little relief. I had at least gotten an interview which was more than what I had been getting after looking for so many weeks. Maybe I was being a little picky or maybe I was just inexperienced. Looking for employment is not as easy as many people think.
Now that I had an interview setup, I was actually a little nervous. I had never experienced a technical interview and to this day, I have only experienced one. I went to the interview and it was the basic usual interview for me. They wanted to know about me and what I expected from the job. I thought the interview had gone fairly well so I was a little hopeful.
I waited about a week and a half before following up to see if they had filled the position yet. When I contacted the company, I was surprised and happy to find out that they wanted me to come in for a second interview. A second interview! That had to be somewhat good right?
I wasn’t sure what to expect for the second interview. If it was part technical, I was sure that I would fail miserably because remember, I was still a newly learned software developer with pretty much zero experience.

The second interview was almost the same as the first, only it was with two people this time. There was no technical interview. I was a little surprised by that but was happy none the less. After the interview I had to wait a few days to hear if I got the job or not because there was one other candidate they had to interview yet.
I wasn’t too worried about that because I hadn’t let myself get to the point where I was so confident that I knew I had the job. It was within a week that I had received the call and they offered me the job.
I got a job! This was my first software developer job and I was excited to see where this was going to take me in my career.
Now that I have a job, what happens from here? Stay tuned to find out how I adjust to working as a software developer, getting back to working regularly and maintaining a household. See you soon my friends and make sure to come back to find out how things go for me now that I’m working.
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